Friday, December 7, 2012

Google Trends: A Keyword Tool That Creates Money For You

You may have heard a difficult time looking for the perfect niche that it almost seems like eternity. Hence, you have decided to leave the online platform forever because you feel disillusioned and sad.

You just decided to wander this last bit, and as you would have it you stumbled on this article. Call it providence, luck or whatever-what I want to say to you is this: Chunk down this information and implement it and you would discover that MAKING MONEY online is not really impossible.

How I came about Google Trend Blogging

I came across a blog that changed my online fortune for ever leading me to make incremental hit on my blog- It was titled "Google trend and how to make it as a full time blogger"

Having read the post I decided to try out what the post said to see if what he said was true. And I discovered there was truth in what he said.

So in order to maximize the money making opportunities available in Google trend as a Nigerian, British, American, and Canadian below is the Step by step method of using Google trend.

1: Type-in Google Trend into your Systems Browser Window

2. Look Out for Hot Topics:

Under the hot topic categories: look for those topics which appear more than once or which may be somehow related.

Take note of the keyword from the hot topics as it would form the basis of your research.

3. Sieve the Topics:

Out of the selected hot topics seek for those topics that you have passion for-this is because when you are passionate about something it shows in your writing.

4. Do a Research

Having selected your hot topic, the next thing for you is to sit down and do a research on the keywords you selected in step 2. Look at blogs and websites that have said something about the keyword phrase and list them down. Try and view the articles from different angles this will make your research more worthwhile.

For example; if it's a celebrity scandal, you can try to dig up information of the person when he or she was much younger. Include this information in the research book.

5. Write your Article

Having done a quality research, your next step should be crafting an article; taking care that your keywords are inserted in the body of the article. In doing this make sure you don't spam your keyword. The information you collected should try to contain unique content. What I mean by unique is that your blog write up should contain information that most websites are not providing.

Let's consider the previous paragraph wherein I talked about a celebrity scandal. You would discover that in such a scenario most of the articles would contain only information about the scandal. The best way to make your content unique is to include interesting information about the person before the scandal.

6. Insert links to relevant post

Inserting links to relevant post can help you rank higher in the search engine especially when your site is a new one. To insert the link simply copy the text where you want to insert the link on the Microsoft Word Interface and right click. You will see the option hyperlink-select and put in the relevant address and you are good to go.

7. Publicize your Post:

There are various social media available for promoting your post. They include: Facebook, Twitter, weibo, Pinterest, Stumbleupon. You can use these platform to share your post; so doing you would see your traffic skyrocketing.

Make Your WordPress Blog Safe With Effective Security Checkers   Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   

How to Build Effective Sales Funnels

We make use of the metaphor of a sales funnel (wide at the very top, narrow at the end) to monitor the sales process. Towards the top of this funnel you've got 'unqualified prospects' - the people who you believe may need your service or product, but to whom you've never spoken. At the end of this funnel, many delivery and sales steps after, you've got those who've received the service or product and have also purchased it.

The metaphor of a funnel can be utilized because prospects drop out of different stages of an extended sales process. Using the sales funnel, and by calculating the amount of leads at every point of the procedure, you are able to predict the amount of prospects who will, over time, become clients.

A lot more than this, by taking a look at how these amounts change with time, you are able to spot issues in the sales pipeline and just take corrective action early. For instance, in the event that you spot that not many mailings were auctioned during a month, you may be expecting that, in a couple of months time, sales may dry out.

The following month, you can ensure that more mailings than usual are sent. Utilization of the Sales Funnel shows obstacles and dead time, or if they're an insufficient quantity of leads at any point. This knowledge enables you to decide where sales agents should focus their attention and efforts to help keep sales at the required level and, also, to satisfy targets.

The funnel may also explain where improvements have to be implemented in the sales procedure.

These might be as straight-forward as introducing extra sales coaching or making certain sales reps put adequate emphasis on each step of the process.

The very first stage in establishing sales funnel reporting would be to brainstorm the sales process together with your sales and marketing people to make certain that it is correct and comprehensive.

Out of this, find out the main sequential parts of the sales procedure and, from these, generate status codes. Then, label your leads using these codes (this is easier when you've got a sales contact management system).

Finally, work-out the amount of prospects of every status and calculate the change from the last month. As you develop an image of a sales funnel from every month, you can begin to comprehend where you are able to enhance your sales process.

Obviously, a product is required before you can start to sell anything though, and this is what we are going to discuss now.

In the wonderful world of internet commerce, the area where you conduct business are Websites.

Most businesses exist already offline. Adding an internet site represents a way to improve their business. For Online start-ups, the website may be the only place they conduct business.

To do business, additionally, you need a method to accept orders and action payment. In a store, clients simply discover the products and services they need, enter a queue at the till and pay the shop clerk.

Everyone who sets up an internet business has to address the question: What should I sell? And just about everyone appears to incur 2 classic errors at first:

They sell what everybody else is trying to sell: electronics, designer clothing and DVD's. What they find is a marketplace already saturated with these products and the suppliers usually don't work in small quantities. To create any profit at all, they'd need to buy huge quantities.

They sell what they know and love. Regrettably, unless there's a significant demand for what they know and love, they will be stuck with lots of product they are able to appreciate but can not move.

The following 'hotspots' could keep you connected with what individuals are buying, what things are up-and-coming and what things are declining in popularity. If your opinions all originate from a couple of places, you are limiting your-self so expand your thinking. You may consider taking a look at one of these simple hotspots for inspiration:

Newspapers. You will get a concept of what's on the minds of consumers simply by reading the life-style section, the business pages or taking a look at the adverts the big stores are putting out.

Consumer Publications. You will find countless magazines based around specialised products and services, specific hobbies and special interest markets. They have been a good resource for building niche products.

Shopping Arcades / Bricks-and-mortar stores. Communicate with the salespeople, discover what is being sold.

You may also source your suppliers off the boxes. Obtain the wholesaler's name, ring them and get the name of their local distributor in your town.

Trend-spotting sites, such as, and

The entertainment industry, films and television fuel product trends. Knowing what's being released in the movie industry, you can begin sourcing related products and services prior to the trend beginning. maintains a list of movies that are going to be released in the coming year. So, if you are aware now that particular movies are going to be released, you can begin stocking up on related products prior to them becoming expensive, like Superman, Batman, Star Wars and Curious George.

It's wise to own a notebook for product sourcing, be it a hand-held notebook or a PDA, to record your thoughts when they come to you.

Ninety percent of the ideas you don't jot down can get lost. When you are visiting these hot-spots for ideas, if you notice hundreds of ideas for products to market, you will not have the ability to recall all of those. You need to write them down in your product sourcing notebook, then return to them and begin researching.

You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   How to Get Targeted Web Traffic to Your Websites   

8 Important Components of a 7 Figure Launch

A failed launch can have many negative repercussions including loss of credibility, lost revenues, burnt relationships (the JVs gave you their best list members and got paid little if anything for it), and upset customers (confusing messages, poor delivery, and poor follow-up).

1) World-class technology: This is critical to the success of a launch because in many cases, you're pushing sales that would normally take a year to generate in a few weeks. Unless the right technology is in place (shopping cart, hosting company, phone service, etc), expect your launch to crash. This is not the time to be searching for the cheapest hosting provider or a rinky-dink shopping cart.

2) Accurate affiliate tracking: The main reason that JVs will support you is that your product is a good fit for their list members and they expect to get paid, period. If you don't have bulletproof tracking, expect to have huge problems.

3) Massive JV support: Your JVs can make or break your launch and you must have plans for recruitment, management, communications, and payments. Also, you have to ensure that they are 100% behind you: this means more than just sending out your emails here and there. It means offering bonuses to enhance your already irresistible offer, doing webinars with your to their lists and many other activities.

4) Experience as an affiliate for another launch: If you haven't supported a launch as an affiliate, stop reading and become an affiliate for a launch right now. Without that, you simply will not "get" what a launch is.

5) High converting copy: In this day and age where everybody is going ga-ga over video, the idea of copy seems antiquated but take our words for this: copy is another make or break factor here.

6) Responsive customer service infrastructure: You may be excited about bringing on 1000, 5000 or even more customers in a short window but be careful what you wish for. We have seen clients almost blow up because they simply weren't prepared for the customer service issues that come with acquiring that many customers in such a short period. Remember: it's not what you make, it's what you keep.

7) Multiple merchant accounts: While you may think that your merchant account (who makes a % of what you charge) would be ecstatic with all these sales, the more common response is that they will freeze your accounts for weeks or months because a merchant account is just another line of credit instrument. When a large spike in sales occurs, and they give you the money that they haven't yet collected from the card holders, they are at risk of loss. Map out strategies for using multiple merchant accounts and work with merchant account providers that understand launches to ensure that no funds are frozen.

8) Comprehensive backend strategies: The naïve marketer believes that the launch is the end goal, while the world class marketer sees that as one strategy in the entire marketing spectrum. Therefore, if you don't think through your backend strategies, you will be leaving as much as 90% of the money on the table by doing a launch alone.

The Perfect Product Launch Launch   Product Launch Secrets - Making Your Offer Irresistible to the Consumer   Get Your Great Idea Funded   How to Use Scarcity in Product Launch - The Number One Action Trigger   

How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction

Internet marketing is a growing field. If you've ever watched the show "House Hunters International" then you've seen at least one successful internet marketer buying a house in some tropical paradise. You probably then wondered "how did they do it?" Let's draw back the curtain and investigate exactly where to get started.

You might have guessed from the title of this article that my focus would be on using articles to create an online business. However, we first need to cover some basics. If you are brand new to marketing on the internet you will need a system to teach you how to get started. Most systems come with capture pages and presentations already created for you. This way you can skip (for now) learning how design websites. Once you have a system in place for tracking the visitors to your website your next goal will be to get internet traffic to your website. This is where article marketing comes into play. If I could start over completely, I would start with article marketing. This would have saved me a lot of wasted time and heartache. There are a couple reasons article marketing is so powerful. First, anyone can do it; all it takes is a 400 word article to get started. Second, once you post an article it stays up forever! That means an article can continue to create traffic for you long after you post it.

The beginning of article marketing is keyword research. Ultimately you want people to find your article, and you want those people to be interested in what you are marketing. Thus, you need targeted keywords that have a chance of being found. This requires the perfect combination of traffic and competition. You can search keywords manually for free using Google but this can be time-consuming. If you have the resources available, it is certainly worth the investment of purchasing a keyword research tool.

Once you have your keywords you simply write articles about those keywords. After you have the article you will want to submit the article to an article directory such as EzineArticles. Article directories are called authority sites because they get preferential ranking by Google. They achieve this by creating their own quality standards for what they will accept.

Most article directories will allow you to put some information on the bottom of the page. This is where you put the website you want to promote. That way when people search your keyword, they read your article, they like it and click the link at the bottom. Then you have traffic going to your website! If you can get started with a couple articles you can be a successful internet marketer in no time!

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Senior Citizen Travel Insurance: What You Need To Know

Finding travel insurance can be difficult for anyone, but if you are over a certain age, then you may discover that getting the coverage you need is even more challenging. This article covers the basics of why finding senior citizen travel insurance can be more difficult, and what specifics you need to look for in your plan.

In the world of insurance, money talks. Money, and statistics. And according to statistics, senior citizens are more likely to make insurance claims than are younger travelers. This results in less money made and more money paid out by the insurance companies. The result? They are reluctant to offer insurance plans to travelers over a certain age. While some insurers cap their age limits at 65, others may go as high as 70, 75, or even 80. Still, over a certain age, you'll be unable to get travel insurance with many agencies, no matter how good your current health is. Other companies may offer coverage, but at higher costs, and with fewer benefits.

Not only is travel insurance for seniors more difficult to find, there are also a lot of needs and issues that you may need to think about in an insurance plan. For example, older travelers are more likely to have preexisting conditions that need covered. Many older travelers will also be bringing medical equipment or medications with them. Things such as walkers, wheelchairs, or prescription drugs, can be easily lost or stolen, and they can be difficult and expensive to replace while you are traveling. A good senior citizen travel insurance plan will have coverage for these things. Another thing to think about as you are looking for your travel insurance plan is to look out for reduced benefits. As mentioned above, it is not uncommon for insurers to offer higher costs and less coverage to seniors. Make sure that you know the exact details of the plan that you are purchasing,

If you are having trouble finding insurance through regular insurers, then you may want to consider looking into specialty plans. There are a number of companies out there that specialize in travel insurance for senior citizens. Not only do they have no upper age limit, they also give you specific coverage that is tailored to your needs as an older traveler. With these plans, it is much easier and hassle-free to get coverage for your preexisting conditions or for medical equipment. Many people also find that they have some insurance cover through retirement organizations that they belong to. Check to find out what coverage you already have.

The most important thing is to make sure that you have coverage when you travel. You never know what medical problems, injuries, or disasters may happen, and the last thing that you want is to spend your precious retirement years burdened with financial debt.

Honeymoon Insurance - Get It Right First Time   Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   

How Treatment for a Minor Medical Condition May Affect Travel Insurance for More Serious Conditions

Most travel insurance policies exclude cover for pre-existing conditions that the policyholder knew about before arranging the insurance. In particular, an intending traveller who is undergoing medical treatment for a serious condition such as cancer, could not expect to be covered for medical costs if that condition takes a turn for the worse during the trip.

However, an issue arises where treatment has been received for what was thought to be a minor condition, and that condition later turns out to be more serious. For example, what appears to be a minor skin condition might subsequently be diagnosed as a carcinoma. In this situation, although the policyholder has arranged travel and purchased travel insurance expecting to be fully covered, the insurer may refuse a claim on the basis that the medical condition was already being treated, even if initially that condition was not thought to be serious. The insurer's position will depend on the specific circumstances, and the wording of the relevant policy exclusion.

If, at the time of arranging travel insurance, you are being treated for any medical condition, it would be prudent to ask your doctor about the possibility of that condition being or becoming more serious. In some cases, you may need to consider delaying a trip if the diagnosis is inconclusive.

As specific terms of cover vary amongst insurers, you might consult an insurance broker to get the best cover for your particular circumstances. However, buying travel cover through a broker can sometimes cost more than an off-the-shelf policy purchased through your travel agent or on the internet. Also, in some cases, you may not be able to obtain full coverage from any insurer.

If you have had a claim declined, due to a pre-existing medical condition that was not diagnosed at the time when you arranged your travel insurance policy, you should consult a lawyer about whether it would be worthwhile challenging the insurer's decision.

Honeymoon Insurance - Get It Right First Time   Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   

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